Data Science and Analytics

Unlock Your Data Potential to Enhance Decision Making Deliver More Personalized Customer Experiences

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Poor data management can hinder financial institutions from making strategic decisions with their data. A proper data management infrastructure requires:

  • Access to and interpretation of enriched cardholder data to create a holistic view of customer portfolios
  • Productivity tools to sift through thousands of data points to better understand customer behavior and identify actionable insights
  • Benchmark data to compare customer performance with peers
  • Anticipation of your customers’ needs to deliver highly-personalized experiences and comprehensive data protection

Primax’s end-to-end Data Science and Analytics suite empowers banks to tap into the business growth potential that resides in their own vault of customer and card portfolio data.

Data Enrichment

Identity intelligence and scoring solutions enable improved data quality and deeper customer insights

Primax 360Vue

Rich reporting and dashboard tool provides a deeper understanding of customer behavior to identify growth opportunities and risk exposure

Predictive Analytics

Provides best-in-class scoring models that uncover key insights to guide precise and informed decisions

Client Success

Leverages our team of data scientists, strategic consultants and marketing experts to help you execute growth marketing strategies

Unlock Growth Opportunities with Your Customer Data

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The Future is Instant Payments

The Future is Instant Payments

By Jon Budd, CEO, Juniper Payments, a PSCU Company Consumers are now growing accustomed to on-demand and immediacy – a convenience and expectation accelerated by the pandemic. You can binge an...

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