Digital Payments

Ensure Your Cardholders Are Enabled for the Future of Payments Step Forward Into Growth and Safety

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Transaction volume through digital channels continues to accelerate. Mobile devices represent a convenient, safe and secure payment experience opportunity for cardholders who prefer a method that better fits their active lifestyle, as well as tech-savvy consumers.

Primax helps its banks promote their brand value and grow payments revenue streams through partnerships with the top digital payments technology providers in the world. The next generation of cardholders demands digital solutions that align with their preferences for doing business on their own time and terms.

Digital payment options for purchases and bill payments give banks a secure and innovative channel to engage new cardholders and grow through cutting-edge technology.

Increased security of digital wallets lowers fraud losses
Bank brand present for every digital wallet transaction

Higher cardholder engagement and satisfaction

Established relationships and implementation processes with all major wallet providers
Ongoing webinars and educational resources on digital payments trends

Learn How Primax Can Help You Build Your Contactless Card Strategy

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The Future is Instant Payments

The Future is Instant Payments

By Jon Budd, CEO, Juniper Payments, a PSCU Company Consumers are now growing accustomed to on-demand and immediacy – a convenience and expectation accelerated by the pandemic. You can binge an...

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